Thursday, January 19, 2017

Photos from the Concrete Teams

Many of the homes that we visit are far from the main road, only accessible by walking down narrow paths though the Honduran Country side. All of the sand and cement has to be carried in the same way and we have to carry our tools and equipment to each of the houses.

Some times the paths disappear and we need to cross streams and crawl under barb-wire fences.

One of the homes in the Honduran country-side. This small one-room, bamboo and mud-brick home was home to a family of six.  

Many homes have hammocks.  This one had an adorable occupant. 

Sometimes after you have finished a beautiful floor everyone is so excited to get back into the house to check it out. Even the family live-stock. This chicken was very excited to test out the new floor. It warmed Dave's heart to see that his new floor was already being used/

Our American teams work together with Honduran staff to complete the projects.Each team of 5 from the US is complimented with 2 or more Hondurans who work with MAMA. 

A small two room home.

This was among the smallest homes that we have worked on. This 6ft by 10ft, one room building, is home to a single mother and her 4 children.  

Sometimes the homes are spread out throughout the village and we need to load up the equipment into a pickup to be take to the next location.

Sometimes the homes are high up on the mountain-sides.  

Here's part of our crew finishing up a home out-side of Santa Cruz.


Anonymous Ruth C said...

The pictures are wonderful!!

Friday, January 20, 2017 7:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Karen B said...

Yes! Thanks for the pictures! Praying for the team!

Friday, January 20, 2017 9:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Karen B said...

Yes! Thanks for the pictures! Praying for the team!

Friday, January 20, 2017 9:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Kathy Rice said...

Thanks for the great pics of the boys in action. Some of these boys are in their 60's, not sure how long they can keep up the pace of this, such hard work. The Medical staff is really working hard 300 people! God Bless you all for your service. Praying for you all.

Friday, January 20, 2017 3:49:00 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Thanks for the pictures! Great reporting on the concrete crew!

Friday, January 20, 2017 4:57:00 PM  

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