Tuesday, March 10, 2015


 After an hour and a half drive we arrived in Los Flores to an anxious crowd. Since the medicine was not right behind us there was time for Rolando to share the gospel with the people waiting to receive the medicine. Once the medicine arrived our team set up in the school in three separate rooms. After Gresy took a blood sample for an anemia test, I had the best job of all!  I told them that it would only hurt for a little and that it would all be ok. Then I took away the tears and brought on smiles when I gave them a lolli-pop and stickers.

We were glad to have Rachel along with us to today to take the blood pressure and weigh the patients. After seeing 202 patients, we handed out matchbox cars to the boys and silly bands and coloring books and crayons to the girls. I painted some of the girls fingernails as well as some of the boys who were jealous of the girls.

Gustavo managed the crowd through out the day. When the children got restless Linda and Cindy started singing with the children. They sang a few Spanish songs and then taught them Jesus loves me in English. I enjoyed taking pictures of the children and they were excited to see themselves on the camera. I really enjoyed the children and would love to bring them home with me if I could.

The men in our group mixed concrete for the Mennonite church in the community. They did half of the floor using 19 bags of cement and had about eight men from the community helping them.

Geri for the team


Anonymous Phyllis Nyce said...

Sounds like you're having a great week. Glad to read Geri's post--you're a good writer. Blessings to you all.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 8:33:00 PM  

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