Thursday, March 15, 2012

Minor cuts and scrapes

The entire team spent the day in Santa Rita, serving the community in a medical clinic and with water tank repair. Several of us have minor cuts and scrapes from our work, but thankfully nothing major.

The guys spent the day on the top of the hill above the community. They chipped plaster off of the outside of the brick water "tower", which is more of a large water retention basin. They worked with the men of the community with chisels, chipping and chipping. Bob supervised, always waiting for a chisel, as there was never one "available" for him.

The medical team saw almost 200 people, everyone in the community who wished to be seen. It was a fairly healthy community with no major issues. Connie continues to work with her translator, Megan from MCC. And Sharon and Rolando work well together. Phyllis is in charge of the pharmacy, with her capable assistant, Kathy. And Ruthie is giving out deworming pills to all.

We spent time with the Mennonite pastor of the community, Pastor Normandi. We had lunch at his house, heard his marvelous testimony, and enjoyed the delicious empanadas that Aurora made us.

We are enjoying working together as a team, laughing and talking, growing and processing what we are seeing. Brandon and Brent keep us entertained with their antics. We thank God for each other and for the strength we need for each day.

Sharon for the team


Blogger Colleen Bish said...

You guys are doing such great work!!!

Lol..... I'm not surprised to hear Bob seemed to do naturally find himself in a supervisor position! Did he get his clothes washed today too?? ;-)

Keep up the great work.... You have one more day of clinics/building left!! You may be tired, but treasure tomorrow and all of its gifts. Praying for you all to have an amazing last day at work, finding new ways to share Gods love with those you meet while at work.

Friday, March 16, 2012 12:30:00 AM  

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